Register your vehicle to receive your parking permit here.
Rules and Guidelines for Drivers
Campus Parking
To park on campus, all students, faculty, and staff must display a Penn State Brandywine parking permit on the rear view mirror of the vehicle. All students and employees are expected to abide by the campus and University parking policies. Parking in the small lot in front of the Main Building is restricted to visitors, faculty, and staff.
Students may park in the WHITE-LINED spaces in the large lots across from the Commons Buildings and by the John D. Vairo Building.
YELLOW-LINED spaces are reserved for faculty and staff. Handicapped parking, BLUE-LINED spaces, are reserved for members of our campus community who display the proper handicap registration and University parking permit. Those needing a handicapped parking space and displaying proper handicap registration must find a legal parking space if/when all specially marked spaces are occupied.
No parking is allowed in the lots immediately behind the Commons/Athletic Center and the John D. Vairo Building, or along the driveway by the Classroom Building, except by special permit or by authorized vehicles. Flashers are required for vehicles unloading in any of these areas, and vehicles must be moved immediately following the unloading.
No access roads or portions of the main drive should be blocked by vehicles at any time. This is especially true in front of the Commons Building due to bus traffic.
General Guidelines
Ample parking is available for students, staff, and faculty on campus. However, those bringing vehicles on campus are expected to follow campus rules and guidelines for the safety and protection of the entire campus community.
Registering Your Vehicle / Requesting a Free Parking Permit
Parking permits are free of charge and are obtained by submitting a parking permit registration form. All vehicles brought on campus must be properly registered with Housing and Food Services. The parking permit must always be posted in full view. Housing and Food Services should be notified of changes in vehicle type or registration. You must re-register your vehicle and receive a new parking permit when your current permit expires.
How to Request a Free Parking Permit
- Have your 9-digit PSU ID number and license plate number handy.
- Go to the Penn State Brandywine parking permit registration form:
- Press the “register” button and fill out all fields.
Please register all vehicles you will be driving on campus.
If you have any questions, please contact Housing and Food Services: [email protected].
Driving on Campus
Operators of any vehicle on the campus are expected to:
- Come to a complete stop at all stop signs
- Yield the right of way to oncoming traffic
- Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks
- Observe the 15 mph speed limit
- Drive only on campus roadways, not pathways
- Follow the rules of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code
All accidents occurring on campus must be reported immediately to University Police and Public Safety by dialing 610-892-1496 from any campus phone. Vehicles should not be moved from the scene of an accident until a police officer arrives.
If you lock your keys in your car, contact University Police and Public Safety for assistance in opening your vehicle. Cars with electric locks or security locks may not be able to be opened by campus police. Minor problems with vehicles are also handled, whenever possible.
To protect your vehicle and your property, lock your car whenever you leave it. Do not leave valuables in plain view in your vehicle (e.g., on the seat). Lock all valuables in the trunk of your vehicle.
Notify University Police and Public Safety if you will be leaving your vehicle on campus overnight.
- No Permit: $15.00
- Expired / Fraudulent Permit: $15.00
- Moving Violation: 25.00
- Blocking Parked Car or Access Road: $10.00
- Parked Outside Lines: $10.00
- Other: $8.00
- Unauthorized Driving on Campus: $10.00
- Handicapped Parking Violation: $25.00
- Fire Zone Violation: $25.00
- Wrong Area: $15.00
Tickets will be issued for violating any of the above rules and guidelines, and all fines must be paid immediately at the Bursar's Office (Main Building, Room 105). Please note, however, that fines collected for parking violations are put in the Student Government Association treasury. The fine amounts that appear above are also listed on the front and rear of the ticket.
To appeal a ticket, complete an online parking ticket appeal form.
FAILURE TO PAY A FINE can result in student records being held. Please pay fines promptly.